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  1. My favorite moments in the book:
    1) Diana and the cordial 🙂
    2) When Anne apologizes to Rachel Lynde. The apology itself is hilarious and I often reread it.
    3) Matthew trying to buy a puffed sleeve dress
    4) Gilbert “rescuing” Anne (this is one of the turning points in the book)
    5) When Anne says “My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes. That’s a sentence I read in a book once” because that is about as Anne Shirley as you can get

    1. These are all lovely moments from the book! I loved how each of the anecdotes revealed so much about the characters’ hearts and personalities. 🙂

  2. Have you ever loved a character so much? Oh, what a joy it was to read about Anne and her friends and newfound family. Oh, what a joy it was to visit Prince Edward Island. I realized I was too late to this classic. Oh, how I wish I read it earlier because it is such a lovely story. Thank you for the recommendation!

    1. Thank you for reading the book and commenting! There are few characters I love as much as Anne. Her outlook on life is one of the most joyous, uplifting things about this book. 🙂

  3. This is one of the most special books I’ve ever read. Each of Anne’s adventures is a mini story and the cute moments are what I enjoyed the most. Anne is a talkative character and I think the tipping point is when she starts imagining more quietly. I wouldn’t say she learns to hold her tongue but by holding back what she says becomes more powerful and resonant in the latter chapters of the book. With Mrs. Lynde, Anne’s apology, which is one of my favorite parts because it was accurate yet dramatic, unintentionally mocking yet sincere, was instigated by the Cuthberts. With Gilbert, they didn’t continously encourage Anne to apologize so it was easier for her to hold onto her anger.

    1. Oh, that’s an interesting tipping point! When I was reading the book, I saw it as the boat scene. But I like the idea you presented of Anne imagining more quietly. It’s a subtler transformation, something slow and not too in-your-face. At taht point, Anne definitely acts older, more “grown-up”. She is still outspoken, outgoing, and has a youthful imagination, but her actions come across as more mature. 🙂

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